Grow your portfolio with Real Estate

Real Estate

United Kingdom Property Demand is 1/3 higher than before.

Five Asset Classes have portfolios of high-growth properties in many of the UK’s major cities.

We have many options that meet all levels and needs for our clients looking to invest.

UK Population is growing quicker than UK government or development companies can provide homes. Experts predicted it will increase by around 3 million over the next 10 years. There is a huge shortfall in homes, and this creates huge needs for new housing, especially in city centre locations.

Projects in the UK just cannot keep up with demands needed. This creates an opportunity for our investors get involved in a solid asset class.

We have physical properties, off plan, bonds and many other opportunities.

This type of investment is a good long-term asset that you can add to any portfolio.

Benefits of Real Estate investments

  • This can net you quick profits unlike stocks or cryptocurrencies.

  • Consistent income that pays every month or every year for long term investors.

  • Beats inflation as most property double its value every decade.

  • Can also enhance a portfolio by lowering volatility through diversification.

What does Five Asset Classes provide?

  • Good selection on projects across the entire UK

  • Conducts due diligence on all projects before offering our clients.

  • Finding your right investment that suits your needs and offers best return with low risk.

  • Potentially help find your tenant.

  • Give updates with on progress with development we choose.

  • Joint Venture possible with other investors.

  • Bonds that are asset backed but provide income regular.

Real Estate Handshake Deal

Overall, this would be a great asset class to invest and is a great addition to your portfolio. Your goal could be buying UK property to live or for investment purpose regardless, we are here to help.

Our dedicated specialist can assist you today.