Fixed Income Funds - Keyboard Key

Fixed Return Investments

How can I get at least 8% return on my capital? By investing in fixed return investments.

In general, an average investor has minimal understanding of highly complex financial instruments and financial products. Generally, we find an increasing requirement among our investors for simple products that offer guarantees.

Fixed return products can come in many different forms covering both guaranteed regular savings products and fixed return lump sum products.

How is my money protected?

When investing in this type of opportunity clients would have:

1. Fixed amounts paid on agreed contract dates.
2. Funds returned on maturity dates.

Asset backed holdings provide additional security and protection. The company can provide 100% capital protection via insurance. Alternatively, said company could hold physical assets like real estate to fall back on in the event of a default.

Security Through Diversification

Diversification is the key and holding anything that gives expected results and that generates reliable income is great in any portfolio.

Unquestionably, we are firm believers in offering guaranteed products where possible. Diversification is the key but here are some occasions when these products may be particularly appealing:

How we can help you generate fixed returns

Regular savings to fund university fees or school fees. Consider some guaranteed investment when reasonable estimates can be made of certain future liability for education fees.

Investing a lump sum where resources are limited or where capital loss would be extremely difficult to bear. An investor might want an investment that would carry a guarantee from a well-known AAA rated bank.

Investing for retirement and not leaving anything to market conditions. There are times when it may feel comfortable how to get from point A to B with a guaranteed result at the end. Example, you wanted the assurance of building up a million dollars by the time you reach age 65.

We can guide you by calculating exactly how much you need to meet your goal. Sleep easy at night with peace of mind.

Fixed Income Letter Blocks

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